Drowning Room at Surfacing Earth // 11 June // Röda Sten Konsthall, Göteborg, Sweden
SURFACING EARTH an International Group Exhibition
Exhibition 2016.06.11 – 2016.09.04
Röda Sten Konsthall, Göteborg, Sweden
Surfacing Earth will address various ways in which man-made changes of the planet’s ecosystem have left physical marks on the Earth’s surfaces – in landscapes, natural environments and biospheres – but also in our cognitive understanding of man’s physical relationship with nature.
with Rosa Barba (IT), Ferdinand Ahm Krag (DK), Bigert & Bergström (SE), Ursula Bieman and Paulo Tavares (CH/BR), Tiril Hasselknippe (NO), Astrid Myntekær (DK) Marie Kølbæk Iversen (DK), Reynold Reynolds and Patrick Jolley (USA/IE), Onishi Yasuaki (JP).