NAPZAK presents Die Verlorenen // June 26, 16:00h // Splendor Amsterdam
Sunday June 26 2016
4 pm-5:30 pm in Splendor Amsterdam
Reynold Reynolds
USA/DE 2015/1933
80 min.
HD video transferred from 16mm
with live musical accompaniment by
Gerard Bouwhuis (piano), Heleen Hulst (violin and Foley) and Jellantsje de Vries (viola and Foley)
A film project started in the 1930s, but unfinished.
Newly discovered, remade, completed and performed.
During the year 1933 in Germany film productions were shut down, censorship was imposed, thousands of actors were fired and hundreds of films were destroyed.
Die Verlorenen revives a German film from the 1930s that could have been, but never was.
€ 15.00
Splendorleden: € 12.50
Studenten (op vertoon van collegekaart): € 5.00
CJP: € 10.00
More information on the NAPZAK series in Dutch
trailer Die Verlorenen