Umea Film festival Film screening of selected works by Reynold Reynolds and Yafei Qi, the artists in residence at IASPIS Umeå Film program 53:00 min…

Microwave Festival at the Athens Digital Arts Festival Microwave Festival began in 1996 as an annual video art festival in Hong Kong. As technology progressed…

At least we know that we don’t know Videokunstscreening mit Arbeiten, die von mysteriösen formalen Phänomenen, über pychologisch- rituelle Handlungen, die Menschen überfallen, bis zur…

From Tuesday 17 to Thursday 19 January 2017 OLHO at Palazzo Grassi, Venice Founded in 2014 by Alessandra Bergamaschi and Vanina Saracino, OLHO is a…

Sunday June 26 2016 4 pm-5:30 pm in Splendor Amsterdam NAPZAK presents DIE VERLORENEN Reynold Reynolds USA/DE 2015/1933 80 min. HD video transferred from 16mm…

SCHÖN KURZ KURZFILMPROGRAMM ZUM THEMA SCHÖNHEIT UND KUNST Montag, 20.6.2016, 20.00 Uhr Programmkino Ost, Schandauer Straße 73, 01277 Dresden Gezeigt werden: „Arts & Crafts Spectacular…

Carte blanche au Cinéma Bellevaux (Lausanne) Selection of short films by Reynold Reynolds, Ed Emshwiller, Ben Russell and Shimada Ryohei, 60′, 16/16 ans” Saturday 6…

Die Verlorenen/The Lost at the 23rd Camerimage International Film Festival in Bydgoszcz Poland in both Cinematographers & Directors Debuts Selections

Especially for InScience- Go Short International Short Film Festival Nijmegen curated a short film program that flirts with science: A Living Soul | sciencefiction |…

SCREENING 11 October 2015 Cinema 1, 16:00h EYE Amsterdam Die Verlorenen DE/USA 1933/2015, 77 min. Language: DE/EN Subtitles: English live musical accompaniment Gerard Bouwhuis (piano),…