Reynold Reynolds / THE LOST 3 channel video projection at May Space in New Orleans Opening 1 October, 6-10pm Live music performances 18 & 19…

The program “German video art in the Russian Museum” is organized in cooperation with Goethe-Institut and “Video-Forum” (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein, Berlin). The curators have selected…

Sunday June 26 2016 4 pm-5:30 pm in Splendor Amsterdam NAPZAK presents DIE VERLORENEN Reynold Reynolds USA/DE 2015/1933 80 min. HD video transferred from 16mm…

SCHÖN KURZ KURZFILMPROGRAMM ZUM THEMA SCHÖNHEIT UND KUNST Montag, 20.6.2016, 20.00 Uhr Programmkino Ost, Schandauer Straße 73, 01277 Dresden Gezeigt werden: „Arts & Crafts Spectacular…

Workshop Time Lapse Amsterdam Amsterdam based American filmmaker Reynold Reynolds gives a workshop on time lapse production. REGISTER: send an email to mail@artstudioreynolds.com with the…

SURFACING EARTH an International Group Exhibition Exhibition 2016.06.11 – 2016.09.04 Röda Sten Konsthall, Göteborg, Sweden Surfacing Earth will address various ways in which man-made changes…

Exhibition – The Lost A multi channel film installation by Reynold Reynolds Started in the 1930s, but unfinished Newly discovered, remade and completed Vernissage on…

A Sense of History KuratorInnen: Marius Babias, Kathrin Becker Nordstern Videokunstzentrum Exhibition: 19.3.-18.12.2016 Der Neue Berliner Kunstverein bespielt seit 2012 das Nordstern Videokunstzentrum im denkmalgeschützten…

DESTIEMPO Sala Gasco Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago de Chile March 16 – May 6 2016 (curated by Cristian Silva-Avaria and Yael Rosenblut) Artists: Dionis Escorsa (España)…

“KUNST IM KINO – KIK EIGHT” GANZ GROSSES KINO Curated by Rachel Rits-Volloch (MOMENTUM), Constanze Kleiner and David Szauder With Bjørn Melhus & Kerstin Honeit…